Pre-Wrestlemania 29 thoughts.


We're now just hours away from Wrestlemania 29.I'm not sure what the whole card is this year unlike last year. This time round I thought I'd let my mind drift away and wait for the show to begin. One thing I do know, was an event announced between Wade Barrett and The Miz with the Intercontinental Championship on the line, hasn't even made the card. I'm pretty sure there will be one or two matches that make me think "how does that get on the card in front of an IC Championship match!?" I'm sure I won't be alone in that.

The matches I do know of are as follows:

The Shield take on Orton, Sheamus and the Big Show - I can see Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins taking this one to further the storyline, even though it's been going on a while now.

Chris Jericho vs Fandango - The artist formerly known as Johnny Curtis from NXT and forever waiting to make his debut on Smackdown (did he ever actually have a match on SD?) takes on Y2J. Jericho has returned again with a little more of his olderschool style, being hilariously funny and entertaining. This will be Fandango's in ring debut, it will be interesting to see what he brings to the table. I predict a Fandango win. Or is it Faaaahhhhn-Daaaaahhhnnn-go?

Triple H vs Brock - HHH's career is on the line, if he loses, it's game over. Brock, once again aided by Paul Heyman, is out to inflict pain on the WWE's C.O.O.. The King of Kings will have long time friend Shawn Michaels in his corner. I think Brock will win this one.

Team Rhodes Scholars & the Bellas vs Brodus Clay & Sweet T & the Funkadactyls - This match feels as thought it's just been knocked up without any thought or anything, thus there's no real investment going into it. I'd like to see Rhodes scholars win, giving them some momentum to face the tag team champs, and that's what I think will happen.

CM Punk vs The Undertaker - Punk has been disrespecting the late Paul Bearer in recent weeks, teasing the Deadman with the urn, and doing distasteful Bearer impressions. This match is only going one way: 21-0

Daniel Bryan & Kane (C) vs Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston - The tag team championships are held in somewhat low regards these days, but it looks as though some teams are finally being assembled to start getting some competition back into the tag-team division. Given the amount of time the champs have held the belt, WWE may think it's time for a change.

The Rock (C) vs Cena - A year in the making, part two of WWE's past vs present superstar is upon us. Current Champion the Rock unveiled a new championship belt a few weeks ago. In round two, I see Cena getting the win, and possibly setting us up for a decider, albeit not necessarily at Wrestlemania 30.


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